BOLD - Raising a Joshua Generation

BOLD exists to assist local churches in raising up an army of young people in BOLD pursuit of God in these days. In today’s society the pressures on our young people have never been greater, but we want to inspire them to be passionate in their faith, be consecrated to God and stand out as different wherever they go.  

Mission (Why?)

Our mission is to see our communities, cities and nations transformed to look like heaven, through the presence, power and message of the gospel, and as laid out by Jesus in the gospels through the Great Commission. This is a multi-generational call and our young people should be at the forefront of what God is doing.

Vision (What?)

A movement for youth and young adults aged 13-25 years based in the UK and Europe.

We want to provide:  

a place where young people can encounter and be transformed by the power and presence of

a family where young people can belong and discover their God-given identity.

a place where young people can be equipped and trained to be salt & light in their schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and beyond.

a place from where young people are sent out to transform their environment.

Culture (Values)

We believe the Presence of God is real and tangible, made available for us to experience daily.  In doing so we encounter the power and personhood of Jesus.

Intimacy with/Devotion to God is key to everything we do. Prioritising, teaching on and facilitating prayer, praise and worship and bible study, both privately and corporately.

Honouring our young people as individuals, seeing young people through God’s perspective.  

Discipling spiritual giants: we desire to see young disciples who are living fully activated in their God-given Purpose, influencing their world for His kingdom.

A culture of faith – nothing is impossible with God.

Encouraging them to take risks whilst also providing a safe environment for them to fail.

We want to give our young people a sense that they are part of something bigger than their day-to-day context.

They have a part to play – all generations are important – old to young. Our young people should be equipped and encouraged to do what God has called them to do.

Generosity in all aspects of life – time, resource, gifting and finance.  

Prophetic – The prophetic words of God are honoured, weighed-up with scripture, nurtured and obeyed.

A culture of Thankfulness. God is always good. The testimonies of God are celebrated.

Our young people should have a sense that they are sent.


Structure (How?)

 BOLD Youth Conferences

Residential youth conferences, held annually over a weekend (Friday evening – Sunday afternoon). For Christian young people aged 13-18 years from across the UK. The aim of the weekend is to deepen their relationship with God. 

This will unapologetically be the main focus of the weekend. There will be several worship meetings and some workshops, as well as some free time and fun activities to get involved with. Youth groups from across the country will be able to attend the conference with their youth leaders.  

BOLD Plus Gatherings

One-day events held 4 times a year in a central location on a Saturday. For Christian young adults aged 16-25 years from across the UK. It is felt that these days will attract young leaders (particularly youth leaders), students and other young adults. 

As it grows, these days can become more regional. The aim of the days will be deepening their relationship with God, equipping, teaching and supporting them in their leadership roles. From these days we will also be able to assemble a team for the youth conferences.

BOLD One-Day Events

In addition to the above we are able to offer one-day events at the request of churches in a locality, perhaps to bring together several youth groups across a region.

BOLD Missions

As a network is created between partner churches, we would like to offer opportunities to serve on short-term mission in a different part of the country, or send mission teams abroad.

BOLD Leadership Mentorship

We would like to offer mentorship to young leaders, one-to-one and in groups. This will be done using Zoom.

BOLD Year Out Course

We would also like to offer a year-out/gap year course for those over 18 years. The course will be full time and based in Liverpool. It will consist of 3 months in the classroom, learning basic theology, church history and leadership training whilst serving the local church, followed by 3 months practical training, travelling between partner churches.   

BOLD Europe

The above model will be replicated in European nations and beyond. There may also be scope for a larger European conference in the future.